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Paul Joyce is the Creative Director at Polar Unlimited in Burlington, Ontario.

With over 18 years of creative marketing experience Paul has worked for three of the country’s major direct marketing agencies, writing and developing creative for Bell Mobility, RBC Royal Bank, General Motors, Ford, UPS, Schering Plough, Biovail, Scotiabank, BMO, 3M and Royal & Sun Alliance. He has created Direct Response Television for CenturyTel, RBC Royal Bank, General Motors, Scotiabank, Direct Response Radio for RBC Insurance, Lombard Canada, The Bank of Bermuda, Ontario Lottery Corporation and Atlas Editions, and corporate video for Evian and Novotel. He has also implemented Sales Promotions for General Motors, Esso, McDonald’s, Bell Mobility, Evian, Kronenbourg and Coca-Cola.

Paul has spoken at two Canadian Marketing Association National Conventions, TEC Canada, and has also authored the “Creative Thinking” column for Direct Marketing News.

Paul was born in Belfast, studied in Adelaide, South Australia, had a memorable time in Kotor, Montenegro and now covets domestic bliss outside Toronto.